
Single employees of Quezon town get 2-day Valentine ‘stress leave’

GEN. LUNA: Municipal employees not romantically attached can take two days off this month to avoid the stresses caused by seeing doting couples at the workplace.

This act of emotional consideration was made possible through Executive Order No. 9, called ‘Special Stress Leave,’ signed by Mayor Matt Erwin Florido on Thursday.

The town mayor said he has first-hand knowledge on the emotional challenges of being unattached, so he makes it a point every Valentine’s Day to give single employees some time off.

“I can relate to single persons, especially those who had no boyfriend/girlfriend since birth, because I’m also single,” Florido said in an interview after signing the EO.

Florido said he also feels the heightened level of stress the single employees go through every Valentine’s Day, motivating him to devise incentives that would soothe their inner pain.

He said the single employees can either avail of the two-day stress leave or come to work and get double pay for braving the sight of overt displays of af
fection at the office.

The mayor said those who choose to remain home can redeem their days off on Feb. 15 and 16, allowing them to enjoy a long weekend with less emotional stress.

Florido said this incentive applies to all single employees, both regular and those on job order (contractual) status.

Presently, the municipal government of Gen. Luna has more or less 30 single employees, according to a recent tally.

Source: Philippines News Agency