
West Kalimantan seeks to improve quality of migrant workers

Pontianak (ANTARA) – West Kalimantan Governor Sutarmidji has promised to improve the quality of migrant workers in the province by collaborating with several parties.This cooperation is being pursued so that the workers can be absorbed overseas based on their skills. Improving West Kalimatan residents’ skills will allow them to compete with people from other regions, both at the national and even international levels, Sutarmidji said here on Monday. It is the duty of the West Kalimantan provincial government to improve the skills of its people, he added. “Thus, if they have to work overseas, we expect them to not just be hard laborers,” he explained. To this end, the provincial government is trying to assist workers through the Certification Center where they can receive training so that they can work in West Kalimantan without having to go elsewhere, he said. This is because the certification can help them earn higher wages, he added. “For those who wish to work overseas, it is better that before you depart, you need to find out about how much is the salary,” he said. If the wage overseas is only slightly higher compared to the wage in Indonesia, then it is best not to leave given that the country also needs many workers, he added. He also urged people planning to migrate for work not to accept low wages for work overseas. “However, in order to have a high wage based on the qualification of the working world there, you have to able to improve your capacity and quality,” he said. Improving the skills of migrant workers will make them highly valued by employers, thus promoting Indonesia’s identity as a country that produces a competent workforce. baca-jugaRelated news: Protection law ensures migrant workers’ rights: MinisterRelated news: Ministry continually expands safe work market for migrant workersRelated news: BP2MI highlights risks of illegal migrant worker placements

Source: Antara News Agency