
Wanted MILF commander eludes arrest, 10 followers nabbed

SULTAN KUDARAT: A commander of Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) wanted for kidnapping and arson charges eluded arrest, but 10 of his followers were arrested during a police operation in Barangay Macaguiling here Monday afternoon.

Lt. Colonel Ariel Huesca, regional head of the police’s Criminal Investigation and Detection Group-Bangsamoro Autonomous Region (CIDG-BAR), said Musa Alamada, alias “Commander Paradise,” managed to get away by snatching a child he used as a human shield.

Authorities arrested 10 of Alamada’s companions, who yielded high-powered firearms, during the 5 p.m. operation.

“He used the child as cover as he fled toward the rear portion of a mosque,” Huesca said in a radio interview, referring to the rogue MILF commander who has pending arrest warrants for kidnapping, serious illegal detention, and destructive arson.

Alamada, the subject of an ongoing manhunt, carries a PHP1.2 million reward on his head.

Source: Philippines News Agency