Human Services

Vietnamese community donate hospital beds supporting Covid fight in Champassak

Vietnamese community in Champassak have donated 530 hospital beds and 300 mattresses, worth 400 million kip, to the Champassak Provincial Administration Office to be further provided to a field hospital and the Covid-19 Treatment Centre of Champassak Province.

The donation aimed to contribute to the prevention and control of the spread of Covid-19 in the southernmost province and was made on the occasion of the 76th anniversary of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, and two historic days of Laos and Vietnam including the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries and the 45th anniversary of the signing of the Laos-Vietnam Treaty of Amity and Cooperation.

The handover took place on Sep 1 at the provincial office between Consul General of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to southern Laos Mr. Bui Theung and Governor of Champassak Province Vilayvong Boutdakham in the presence of relevant officials of both sides.

Governor Vilayvong expressed his gratitude and appreciation for the invaluable assistance of the Party, State and people of Vietnam to Champassak Province. Aside from the latest donation package, Champassak has received assistance worth more than 5 billion VND in cash and equipment from 16 provinces and three cities of Vietnam.

Source: Lao News Agency