Government Policy

Vietnamese, Cambodian provinces work to build shared border of peace, friendship

The Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) Committee of Kien Giang province and the Committee of the Solidarity Front for the Development of Cambodian Motherland of Kampot province on November 16 organsied a conference to review the one-year implementation of the emulation plan to build a shared border of peace, friendship, cooperation and development in the 2023-2025 period.

Speaking at the event, Chairwoman of the Kien Giang provincial Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee Le Thi Ve said over the past year, front leaders of Kien Giang and Kampot provinces have well implemented the signed contents and promoted the communication work for people to join hands to build a shared border of peace, friendship, cooperation and mutual development.

She acknowledged that the two units have coordinated with sectors of both sides to expand people-to-people exchanges, organised delegations to visit and congratulate each other during special occasions such as festivals and traditional New Year festivals, detected and prevented cro
ss-border smuggling and sabotage activities that aim to divide the traditional ties between the their people.

Ve said that people’s awareness of building a shared border of peace and friendship as well as their sense of law observance have been enhanced, particularly people who are living along the shared border while cooperation in the fields of economy, tourism, culture, education and heath care have also been strengthened.

Competent sectors of Kien Giang and Kampot provinces have coordinated to create favourable conditions for the border demarcation and marker planting work to achieve good results. During the dry season of 2022 – 2023, Team K92 of Kien Giang province gathered and repatriated six sets of remains of Vietnamese volunteer soldiers and experts who laid down their lives in Kampot province during wartime.

On this occasion, the two front committees agreed to continue to carry out the communication work to help people of both sides to have a better understanding about the significance of buildin
g a shared border of peace and friendship; increase meetings and information exchanges; actively prevent and promptly handle incidents occurring in border areas while creating favourable conditions for border demarcation and marker construction activities./.

Source: Vietnam News Agency