
Vietnamese business offers health services to disadvantaged people in Cambodia

Phnom Penh: The Vietnam-Cambodia Business Association (VCBA), Metfone under military-run telecom group Viettel and other units on April 7 offered medical check-ups, medicines and gifts to 600 Cambodians and those of Vietnamese origin in the neighbouring country’s Kampong Chhnang province.

The activities were carried out on the occasion of the Chol Chnam Thmay New Year, the biggest festival on the Khmer calendar, with the participation of 15 doctors from big hospitals in the two countries.

Vietnamese Ambassador to Cambodia Nguyen Huy Tang said the programme demonstrates the traditional friendship and fine cooperation between the two countries, and expressed his hope that the VCBA will expand such activities to other Cambodian localities.

President of the Khmer-Vietnamese Association in Cambodia (KVA) Sim Chy affirmed that Vietnamese in Cambodia have significantly contributed to the solidarity and friendship between the two countries, as well as national construction and development in Cambodia.

Born Sophy,
Deputy Governor of Kampong Chhnang province, thanked the Vietnamese side for the organisation of the programme, and called for joint efforts to preserve the time-honoured relationship./.

Source: Vietnam News Agency