Government Policy

Vietnam, China share experience in social supervision, criticism

HCM City: Experience in social supervision and criticism was shared between the Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) Committee of Ho Chi Minh City and the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) Shanghai Committee at their talks in Ho Chi Minh City on March 25.

Briefing the Chinese side of the city’s economic-cultural-social situation in 2023, Vice Chairman of the VFF Committee of Ho Chi Minh City Nguyen Thanh Trung said that the city faced formidable challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic’s impacts as well as complicated and unprecedented global and regional political-economic developments.

However, it carved out impressive achievements thanks to the concerted efforts and resolve of the whole political system, support from local people and business community, and contributions from VFF chapters at all levels.

The city’s VFF committee has worked to renew its social supervision and criticism activities to better ensure the legitimate rights of local people, strengthen democracy and social co
nsensus, and consolidate trust in the Party and State, he said, adding over the past 10 years, it has organised 703 social criticism conference on important projects, including one related to piloting special mechanisms to develop Ho Chi Minh City.

In the time ahead, it will continue promoting its leading role in the supervision work and social criticism activities, he stressed.

Vice Chairman of the CPPCC Shanghai Committee Wu Xinbao, for his part, introduced the committee’s roles, functions and missions, which are to conduct policy consultations and democratic consultations, engage in political discussions, and build common awareness in the community.

While carrying out the constitution and legal regulations as well as making big decision, the CPPCC always organises referenda before sending reports to relevant leaders to provide recommendations, he said, adding the Shanghai Committee assigns its members to join meetings with local people and hold conferences to discuss issues of locals’ concerns, among ot

Both sides agreed that they can learn from each other’s experience and concurred to continue implementing the Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation for the 2023-2026 period signed in November 2023./.

Source: Vietnam News Agency