Fun & Games

Vat Phou Festival 2022 Celebrated

Annual celebration of Vat Phou festival was held in Champassak, the southernmost province of Laos, on February 13–16.

Vat Phou is one of the three UNESCO World Heritage sites in the Lao PDR. The other two are Luang Prabang, and the Plain of Jars of Xieng Khuang Province.

Champassak Governor Vilayvong Boutdakham, Venerable Monk Mahasouvanh Chanthalath, President of Buddhist Fellowship Organisation of Luang Prabang Province and relevant officials were present at the celebration.

The festival, celebrated in New Normal styles, featured colourful religious ceremonies at the ancient temple, a trade fair of local cuisines, products and souvenirs.

The Vat Phu Festival is celebrated every year on the full moon day of the 3rd month of lunar calendar (between January-February). The celebration coincides with the Makha Busa Buddhist Festival.

Source: Lao News Agency