Government Policy

UNICEF Representative Pays Courtesy Visit to NA’s Secretary-General

UNICEF Representative to the Lao PDR Pia Rebello Britto, paid a courtesy visit to Secretary General of the National Assembly of the Lao PDR Pingkham Lasasimma to discuss how UNICEF can further engage with the National Assembly to further advance the rights and well-being of children and women in the Lao PDR.

The meeting is especially notable as it was organised during the commencement year of the UNICEF-Government of the Lao PDR Country Programme 2022-2026, which provides a framework of cooperation between the two parties for the next five years.

During the meeting, Dr. Rebello Britto expressed appreciation on the successful completion of the 3th Ordinary Session of the National Assembly (Ninth Legislature). They then discussed UNICEF’s support and contribution to the social development agendas, including the COVID 19 responses, education, health and nutrition. Furthermore, both parties discussed how data and evidence generated through the support from UNICEF could further strengthen the National Assembly’s capacity to monitor and oversee the legislative and policy implementation and track the progress of the 9th NSEDP.

The two female leaders further exchanged information on the situation of Lao children and explored areas where the National Assembly and UNICEF could partner together to deliver solutions.

Ms.Lasasimma also thanked UNICEF for supporting the National Assembly’s technological infrastructure by providing laptops and equipment for Social Cultural Affairs Committee, the Foreign Affairs Committee, the Planning, Finance and Audit Committee and the Justice Committee of the National Assembly.

“I would like to express my thanks to UNICEF for its continued support to the National Assembly and commitment to promoting the well-being of children and women of our country. The National Assembly looks forward to strengthening our cooperation and partnership with UNICEF in the years to come,” said Ms. Pingkham Lasasimma.

“UNICEF remains steadfast in our commitment to supporting the Government of the Lao PDR in the achievement of the 9th National Socio-Economic Development Plan and the Sustainable Development Goals, as well as strengthening the education and skills of our children and youths who are key to the Lao PDR’s graduation from least-developed country (LDC) status. We look forward with great interest and enthusiasm to strengthening our work with the Government of the Lao PDR under the Country Programme 2022-2026,” said Dr. Pia Rebello Britto.

Source: Lao News Agency