
Trial for Dak Lak terrorism case to open on January 16

Dak Lak: The People’s Court of Dak Lak will open the first-instance trial on January 16 for 100 defendants involved in a case of “terrorism aimed at opposing the people’s administration, terrorism, organising illegal exit or entry for others, and harbouring criminals,’ which happened in Cu Kuin district in the Central Highlands province on June 11, 2023.

Of the defendants, 53 will be brought to the court for “terrorism aimed at opposing the people’s administration”, 39 for ‘terrorism,’ one for ‘organising illegal exit or entry for others,’ and one for ‘harbouring criminals’ under Clause 1, Article 389 of the Criminal Code.

Meanwhile, six others abroad will be tried for ‘terrorism” in their absence.

On early June 11, 2023, two groups of armed persons attacked the headquarters of the People’s Committees of Ea Tieu and Ea Ktur communes, including communal police offices, in Cu Kuin district, killing nine and injuring two./.

Source: Vietnam News Agency