
Tay Ninh: 444 wild animals released to nature

As many as 444 wild animals, including many rare and endangered species, have been released back to nature in the southern province of Tay Ninh so far this year, according to the provincial Forest Protection Department.

Tran Thi Ngan Ha, Director of the department, said the agency has just received 35 wild animals voluntarily handed over by local residents in the period, including many listed in the IB group – the group of endangered and critically endangered animals.

The department advises citizens not to release or abandon wild animals on their own and should hand them over to forest protection forces for release into natural environments suitable for each species, contributing to diversifying forest animals and protecting species in danger of extinction. Tay Ninh is home to 184 animal breeding facilities for commercial purposes, Ha said, adding that relevant units will continue to strengthen management and inspection of these facilities to ensure their compliance with rules on legal origin of forest animals, and promptly detect and handle those that do not abide by regulations, she added.

The department has coordinated with relevant sectors to strengthen communication campaigns to raise public awareness and responsibility of protecting forest plants and animals, especially endangered and rare species.

The agency has inspected, prevented, and handled many cases of illegal wide animal transportation and captivity. It has also encouraged citizens not to hunt or trap wild animals and birds, and strictly dealt with relevant violations./.

Source: Vietnam News Agency