
Syria and Cuba find ways to boost academic collaboration

The rector of the University of Damascus, Osama Al-Jabban; and Cuban Ambassador Luis Mariano Rodriguez found ways to boost scientific and academic cooperation between the two friendly countries.

The talks held at the local university, in the presence of vice rectors and deans, tackled the possibility of developing collaboration and exchange in various scientific fields, particularly with regard to the departments of Spanish language and archeology of the University of Damascus.

In addition, they addressed several issues as the chance to teach the Arabic language to Cuban students, the organization of cultural and scientific events, and the exchange of experiences and joint visits by teachers and students.

Rector Al-Jabban praised the relations between the two friendly nations, and expressed the desire and willingness of the University of Damascus to develop its relations with Cuban scientific and academic institutions.

Meanwhile, the Cuban ambassador called to raise academic cooperation to the level of excellent political relations.

There are many possibilities and fields in which mutual benefit can be achieved in the media and academic fields, the diplomat assured.

Source: Lao News Agency