Human Services

RT-PCR test, Covid-19 vaccine certificate remain mandatory for entering Laos

Individuals and legal entities wishing to enter the Lao PDR must hold a proof of RT-PCR Covid-19 test 72 hours before entering the country and a Covid-19 vaccination certificate, according to Covid-19 Taskforce.

The Taskforce Committee for Covid-19 Prevention and Control, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, issued last week an instruction on application for immigration permit during Covid-19.

Diplomatic officials, employees of foreign embassies and consulates, and representatives of international organizations under the United Nations system, and international organisations, who are given diplomatic privileges, and their family members wishing to enter the Lao PDR for short and long term duties must send a written request to relevant departments of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Ministries or equivalent agencies wishing to import foreigners – experts, technical staff, volunteers, and students (for bilateral cooperation projects) must send a written request to relevant departments of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for their entry to be considered.

International nongovernmental organizations wishing to enter the Lao PDR for short and long term duties must register at for a QR code and send a written request to the relevant departments of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Individuals and legal entities doing business in the Lao PDR that wish to import investors and business people into the Lao PDR for conducting a feasibility study into investment opportunities, signing an agreement or memorandum of understanding (MOU) must send a written request to the Department of Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and register at for a QR code either before or after arrival in the Lao PDR.

Investors or business people must prepare documents: a request from the Department of Investment Promotion, Ministry of Planning and Investment, or a the provincial Department of Planning and Investment which is addressed to the Department of Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs to request a visa. They must seek approval from the Department of Immigration Police, Ministry of Public Security.

Companies or project owners wishing to import foreign technical staff or workers for their activities or projects must prepare: a proposal stating planned travel, and reason for entering the Lao PDR; a domestic and foreign investment permission, an enterprise registration, a proof of annual tax payment; a foreign worker quota permission from the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare; a foreign worker import permission from the provincial department of Labour and Social Welfare; a proof of the reservation of a hotel designated by Covid-19 Taskforce.

Foreign nationals with Lao origin wishing to enter the Lao PDR must contact Lao embassies or general consulates in host countries and register at for a QR code before contacting the Department of Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Lao citizens or foreigners wishing to have a home trip can do so without contacting embassies or consulates and the Department of Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Laos.

Foreign citizens who are family members of Lao citizens and hold a spouse visa (SP-B3) can have a home trip without contacting embassies or consulates, and the Department of Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In case they have no visa, they must apply for it at the Lao embassies, consulates in the host country.

Diplomatic officials, employees of foreign embassies, representatives of international organisations under the United Nations system, international organizations with diplomatic privileges, and family members can enter the Lao PDR without seeking permission from the Department of Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Foreign experts, investors, business people, technical staff, workers of companies and projects, and students, once registered at for a QR. Code can enter the Lao PDR without seeking permission from the Department of Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

All application documents must be sent to the Department of Consular Affairs under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at least five days before arrival in the Lao PDR.

Source: Lao News Agency