
President Thongloun urges facilitated operation of Vientiane Logistics Park

President Thongloun Sisoulith has urged relevant ministries and authorities to facilitate the development and operation of the Vientiane Logistics Park and help address its potential challenges.

During his visit to the park on Jun 29, the president appreciated the efforts made by relevant parties in building production zones in the logistics park and urged the relevant authorities to devise a legal instrument to regulate the park and make the best use of the Laos-China Railway to promote goods transport.

Accompanied by ministers, and senior officials from relevant ministries, President Thongloun also visited the Thapha Cooperative in Hadxayfong district. The cooperative has 142 member families from four villages namely Thapha, Pakpeng, Thinthen, and Nongphong.

Its main objective is to promote the production of local farmers including rice, coconuts and other fruits, and vegetable, and animal husbandry, mainly cows, goats, pigs, poultry and fish for domestic and export markets.

The cooperative currently has 50 native cows, two aroma coconut plantations with over 1,200 aroma coconut trees planted on a total area of 4.5 ha, according to the vice president of the cooperative Mr Bounlord Khamdy.

The group has transplanted rice seedlings on over 28.8 hectares of land so far this monsoon season. It is expected to transplant rice seedlings on 4.8 more hectares of land over weeks to come.

The president appreciated the farmers’ group for creating jobs for local farmers to help them generate incomes and improve livelihoods.

He urged the group to ensure their production exceeds domestic consumption demand so that they can sell their produce to domestic markets and abroad thus helping them access to sustainable source of incomes.

He also urged local producers to avoid using chemical fertilizers and ensure their agricultural produce is organic.

President Thongloun also visited a food producer May Savan Lao Co., Ltd which produces products from sacha inchi, pepper, dried roselle, dried banana, mulberry tea, green tea, lemon grass tea and herbal tea. Ninety percent of the products produced by the company are exported overseas.

President concluded his one-day trip with the inspection of the Contemporary Museum construction project and agricultural establishments in Xaythany district.

Source: Lao News Agency