Human Rights

Photo Exhibition between Lao and Vietnamese security forces held

Lao and Vietnamese Public Security Ministries organized a photo exhibition to strengthen friendly relation and comprehensive cooperation between two ministries in Vientiane on August 25.

The event was attended by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Security Gen. Vilay Lakhamphong and Vietnamese Minister of Public Security Gen. To Lam, senior leaders, relevant officials of the two ministries.

The exhibition is a part of celebration of the two historical days of Laos-Vietnam, the 45th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation and the 60th anniversary of the two countries’ diplomatic relations (September 5, 1962-2022) .

The photos have featured the close cooperation in exchanging information and sharing experience between two Ministries of Public Security in the past until now, including the exchange of mutual visits by senior leaders of the two ministries, the exchange of mutual knowledge, mutual experiences.

In his speech, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Security Gen. Vilay Lakhamphong said The photo exhibition of traditional cooperation between the two ministries Laos and Vietnamese. The first time was held in 2017. This photo exhibition aims to make the society understanding on comprehensive cooperation between the police force of the two countries over the last six decades.

At the same day, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Security of Laos Gen. Vilay Lakhamphong and his Vietnamese counterpart Gen. To Lam attended a groundbreaking ceremony for buildings of the Lao People’s Public Security Political Academy, the gift of Vietnam for Laos, as part of Gen. To Lam’s working visit to the neighbouring country, according to VNA.

Source: Lao News Agency