
Philippine Task Force Orders Chinese Ships to Vacate Bajo de Masinloc Amid Confrontation

Manila – The National Task Force for the West Philippine Sea (NTF-WPS) has issued a stern directive for Chinese Coast Guard (CCG) ships to immediately leave Bajo de Masinloc (Scarborough Shoal), following their confrontational interaction with Philippine vessels on Saturday.

According to Philippines News Agency, the incident involved “illegal and aggressive actions” by CCG ships against three Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) vessels – BRP Datu Sanday, BRP Bankaw, and BRP Datu Tamblot. These vessels were on a humanitarian mission, delivering oil subsidies and grocery packs to over 30 Filipino fishing vessels at Bajo de Masinloc. Reports indicate that the CCG used water cannons to obstruct the BFAR vessels, causing damage to the communication and navigation equipment of the BFAR vessel Datu Tamblot.

The NTF-WPS also reported the involvement of Chinese Maritime Militia (CMM) vessels in dangerous maneuvers and the deployment of a long-range acoustic device, causing temporary incapacitation to some Filipino crew members. The task force condemned these actions as illegal and inhumane, emphasizing the urgency for the Chinese government to address these aggressive activities and respect Philippine sovereignty.

The statement further highlighted that actions such as preventing the distribution of humanitarian support and installing a floating barrier at the shoal’s entrance are violations of international law. The task force reiterated that Bajo de Masinloc, located 124 nautical miles off Zambales and within the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone (EEZ), is under Philippine sovereignty and jurisdiction, as per the 2016 Arbitral Award.

Reacting to these events, the Chinese Embassy in Manila, through a statement from Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin, accused the Philippines of escalating maritime disputes and urged for a return to negotiation and consultation for resolving these issues. China maintains its claim over Bajo de Masinloc, referring to it as Huangyan Dao or Huangyan Island.

International condemnation followed, with United States Ambassador MaryKay Carlson describing China’s actions as “aggressive and illegal,” violating international law and endangering lives. Japanese Ambassador Kazuhiko Koshikawa expressed serious concerns and reaffirmed Japan’s recognition of the 2016 arbitral ruling. Canadian Ambassador David Hartman labeled the actions as “dangerous and escalatory,” and European Union Ambassador to the Philippines Luc Veron emphasized the legal binding nature of the 2016 UNCLOS Tribunal Award, underscoring its importance in peacefully resolving disputes.