Government Policy

Party leader’s instructions on clean, strong leadership building applauded

Hanoi: Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong recently demanded preventing those persons committing any of certain shortcomings from entering the 14th Party Central Committee, which many Party members considered essential to building a clean and strong leadership.

The Party leader delivered a speech at the recent first meeting of the sub-committee on personnel affairs of the 14th National Party Congress which focuses on some issues requiring special attention during the personnel preparation for the coming congress. In the address, he underlined the demand for not missing truly moral, talented, and eligible persons while preventing those committing any of certain shortcomings from entering the 14th Party Central Committee.

Voicing support for the speech, Giang Mi Say, Secretary of the Party Committee of Lung Cu commune in Dong Van district, the northernmost province of Ha Giang, noted one of the first shortcomings General Secretary Trong mentioned in his speech is to show unsteadfast political mettle; not
stay persistent in the Party’s guidelines and viewpoints; show political opportunism, desire for power, flattery, solicitation, corruption, bureaucracy, and group interests; and neither protect the right nor fight against the wrong.

Say said members of the Party Central Committee are outstanding individuals who have served in many positions, so they need to bring into play their sense of responsibility and build a strong political mettle – a factor critical to their task performance.

Besides, violating the principle of democratic centralism, practicing demagogy and arbitrariness, showing unfairness or injustice in personnel assessment and use, and repressing those straightforwardly voicing criticism are also shortcomings that a member of the Party Central Committee must avoid, according to the Lung Cu official.

Lawyer Ha Huy Tu, Director of the Legal Advisory Centre for the Poor and Community Development at the Vietnam Lawyers Association, perceived that the speech by the Party chief, who is also head of t
he sub-committee on personnel affairs of the 14th National Party Congress, is both general and detailed, easy to be applied in reality.

General Secretary Trong’s speech also aims to help the public realise signs of shortcomings to prevent ineligible persons who lack morality or talent from holding leadership posts.

Over the recent past, Tu went on, the combat against economic crimes and corruption has proved that an individual showing any of the shortcomings pointed out by the Party leader may cause negative consequences for the nation and the people.

Basing on experience of previous tenures, the speech identified righteous and comprehensive methodology for selecting personnel for not only the Party’s next tenure but also many years to come, he said.

The lawyer also highly valued the speech’s statement that the personnel preparation for the 14th National Party Congress is a task of not only the personnel affairs sub-committee, the Politburo, the Secretariat, or the Party Central Committee but also the ent
ire political system, all-level Party committees, Party organisations, agencies, units, and localities.

Meanwhile, Vu Mi Ho, Secretary of the Party cell in Then Van hamlet of Lung Cu commune, held that since members of the Party Central Committee are those winning high prestige and trust from people, to avoid shortcomings, they must do as they say, lead a good moral example, seriously adhere to the Party’s guidelines and the State’s policies and laws, order cadres and Party members to disseminate the Party’s guidelines to the public, and give detailed instructions.

He also underlined the need for each member of the Party Central Committee to proactively make self-improvement, improve their knowledge about various fields, actively perform their tasks, and conduct criticism and self-criticism so as to deserve their role as a ‘truly staunch servant of the people’./.

Source: Vietnam News Agency