Over 300 people turn out to donate blood

(KPL) Over 300 members of general public and representatives of youth organisations joined a blood drive at the National University of Laos to mark the 68th anniversary of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Youth Union (LYU).

The event was orgainsed by LYU in cooperation with Lao Red Cross and the Ministry of Education and Sports.

LYU Secretary-General Monxay Laomuaxong, President of Lao Red Cross Phouthone Meuangpak, Head of the National Blood Institute Chanthala Souksakhone and representatives of National University of Laos were also present at the event.

The event aimed to celebrate the 68th anniversary of the establishment of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party, the 68th anniversary of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Youth Union and to make young people realize the spirit of giving and generosity and the importance of blood donation.

“Anyone wishing to donate blood must be healthy, weighed at least 45 kg or higher and aged 17 years or older,” said Mr Chanthala Souksakhone.

Source: Lao News Agency