Human Services

Over 3.64 million fully vaccinated against Covid-19

Over 3.64 million people, 49.65% of population in the country, have been fully vaccinated against Covid-19 as of Jan 3, 2022.

The number of those given first shot of Covid-19 vaccine has reached 4.59 million, representing 62.56% of the population, according to the Centre of Information and Education for Health, Ministry of Health.

Vientiane and Bokeo have highest Covid-19 vaccination coverage with over 77.5 % recorded in the capital and 69.0% in Bokeo. Meanwhile, Covid-19 inoculation coverage has reached 66.3% in Luang Prabang, 56.8% in Xekong, 52.9% in Vientiane (province), 52.4% in Attapeu, 52.2% in Champassak and 51.3% in Saravan.

Source: Lao News Agency