
NPA arms cache found in upland Samar village

TACLOBAN: Soldiers unearthed on Tuesday an arms cache of the New People’s Army (NPA) in the upland village of Basey, Samar.

In a phone interview Wednesday, Philippine Army 802nd Infantry Brigade commander Brig. Gen. Noel Vestuir said the arms cache consisted of three M16 and two AK47 assault rifles.

‘Our troops traced the location of firearms through a tip from a former member of Militia ng Bayan (MB). They hid these firearms when our soldiers conducted a community support program in the area,’ Vestuir told the Philippine News Agency.

MB members are individuals who have been indoctrinated and may or may not be directly involved in armed struggle, but when organized, they could provide mass support to the revolutionary movement of the communist terrorist group.

‘Mabini village has been cleared from NPA threats, but rebels have been coming back as part of their recovery attempts. We are committed to keep peace in the area,’ Vestuir added.

The army is largely counting on regular dialogues between local auth
orities and family members of active NPA to encourage more rebels to surrender and to recover more firearms in Samar provinces.
Source: Philippines News Agency