
Nghe An aims to host 5.5 million staying visitors in 2024

The tourism sector in the central province of Nghe An is striving to serve 5.5 million visitors staying in the locality this year and earn 9 trillion VND (353.7 million USD) in revenue. Nghe An has been a popular destination among visitors thanks to its beautiful beaches, especially Cua Lo beach, along with other tourist attractions such as the Kim Lien special national relic site in President Ho Chi Minh’s hometown, Thanh Chuong tea fields, the Truong Bon historical relic site, the sunflower hill in Nghia Dan, and the Pu Mat National Park. In 2023, Nghe An welcomed more than 8.3 million visitors, including nearly 5.3 million with overnight stays, earning 7.8 trillion VND, surpassing the locality’s targets for the year. In the first three months of this year, the province attracted more than 2 million tourists, up 9% year on year, including 1.22 million staying visitors, and earned nearly 2.1 trillion VND in revenue.

Source: Vietnam News Agency