Government Policy

NA’s 2nd Ordinary Session closes

The 2nd Ordinary Session of the 9th legislature of the National Assembly (NA) has come to an end following the approval of key documents including the government reports on the implementation of the National Socio-economic Development Plan, State Budget Plan, and the Monetary Plan of 2021 along with targets for 2022.

The President of the National Assembly Saysomphone Phomvihane on Wednesday officially closed the 2nd Ordinary Session of the 9th legislature of the National Assembly (NA) which was opened on Nov 1.

Secretary General of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party and President Thongloun Sisoulith, Prime Minister Phankham Viphavanh and other high ranking Party and state officials, and NA members attended the closing ceremony.

The assembly had considered and approved the government’s reports on the implementation of the National Socio-economic Development Plan, State Budget Plan, and Monetary Plan of 2021 along with targets for 2022 as well as Strategy on Electricity Development of the Lao PDR 2021-2030, National Digital Economic Development Vision 2021-2040, Strategy 2021-2030 and the National Digital Economic Development Plan 2021-2025.

People’s representatives appreciated the government’s achievements in ensuring constant economic growth and improving living standards of the people thus contributing to the political stability and social peace in the country.

A report on the performance of the State Inspection Authority in 2021 and plan for 2022 was also adopted by the lawmakers along with a report of the State Audit Organisation on its performance and plan for 2022.

They appreciated the State Inspection Authority and the State Audit Organisation for their efforts in strengthening law enforcement, particularly in detecting violations of financial legal instruments, and recovering state money and assets from corrupt officials.

The meeting also approved reports on the performance of the People’s Supreme Court and the Public Prosecutor’s Office in 2021 and plans for 2022 and approved the appointment of members of the Judges’ Council of the People’s Supreme Court along with a report on the performance of the National Assembly and its plan for 2022.

Source: Lao News Agency