
MICT’s annual meeting wraps up

The annual meeting of the Information, Culture and Tourism (ICT) Sector wrapped up on Fridayafter allowing representatives from across the country to review the performance of the sector over the past one year and discuss its plans for 2022.

Held in Vientiane on Feb 10-11, the meeting was chaired by Minister of Information, Culture and Tourism Suansavanh Viyaketh.

The meeting was attended by the minister’s deputies, provincial vice governors, directors of departments, provincial services, schools, institutes and offices affiliated to the ministry via virtual and face to face conferences.

“This meeting allowed participants to evaluate in a realistic manner the implementation of Information, Culture and Tourism plans over the past one year so that their points of view can be sumarised into a report on the performance of the ICT sector for 2021 and its annual plan for 2022,” said Minister Suansavanh.

Party committees, managements at central and provincial levels have attached attention to fulfill their responsibilities, actively contributing to driving ICT work as this is testified by the attention they have attached to integrating plans, programmes, and priorities of the ICT sector into the central and provincial development plans.

Civil servants of the ICT sector have fulfilled their tasks actively. Departments, centres under the ministry as well as provincial ICT services have actively fulfilled their political tasks with high responsibility, serving as secretariat for the Party committee and leadership of the ministry and provincial Party Committees and authorities. This has resulted in steady growth of the ICT Sector in both terms of quantity and quality, contributing significantly to the socio-economic development of the country, as well as its peace and political stability and security with people enjoying harmony and better livelihoods.

Source: Lao News Agency