
Luang Prabang to accelerate the vaccination of children aged 3-5 years

The Health Department of Luang Prabang province will speed up the vaccination against covid-19 for children age of 3-5 years, because there is no vaccine for the service yet, so far. Deputy Head of Health Department, Luang Prabang Province Dr. Humphan Chirasack, told journalists on Oct 14.

In 2022, Luang Prabang’ s Health Department was providing Covid-19 vaccination efforts to have at least 82% of population to get vaccinate with at least one dose and 75% of two dose and about 28% of population have been administered with a booster Dr. Humphan said. The public communication for health education is an important and necessary work for information to reach people in communities during the Covid-19 outbreak. We were closely working with the Information, Culture and Tourism Department of Luang Prabang to broadcast vai radio spots produced by MoH, Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism (MICT) and UNICEF, through the radio and community loudspeakers. He said, the Health Department of Luang Prabang province has received communication equipment with the support of UNICEF through the Centre for Communication and Education on Health 12 sets of audio equipment and loudspeaker systems including loudspeakers, microphone, audio amplifier and LCD provided by DFAM through UNICEF Lao PDR.

We have distributed information in the cities, some health centres especially the villages with electricity for them to take action to warn, announce the epidemic or the progress of the Covid 19 epidemic to the parents and the people have been widely recognized.

However, it is still difficult to get vaccinated in the province but when there was an outbreak of Covid-19 in second time after the Lao New Year festival, there were tourists who were infected and traveled from Vientiane, so the government confirmed that there were people infected with Covid-19 who came to Luang Prabang province, causing parents, people to be afraid and alert to receive more vaccines.For the booster dose is less because during the time when we provided the booster dose, Luang Prabang province has taken various relief measures and the outbreak of Covid-19 is not serious, the number of field hospitals or places that provide vaccine services have decreased. We continue to advertise to various cities, especially health service points such as health centres, district hospitals, and provincial hospital that have refrigerators that can store vaccines and provide services to locals, he added.



Source: Lao News Agency

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