
Laos,United States Hold 10th Comprehensive Bilateral Dialogue

The United States and the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (PDR) held their tenth Comprehensive Bilateral Dialogue on October 14, 2022, in Vientiane, in which the two sides discussed their ever-expanding range of cooperation.

Vice Foreign Minister Bounleua Phandanouvong led the Lao delegation, while U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Daniel J. Kritenbrink and U.S. Ambassador to the Lao PDR Peter M. Haymond led the U.S. delegation.

The two sides reconfirmed their intention to expand U.S.-Lao cooperation in line with the Comprehensive Partnership announced in Vientiane during former President Obama’s visit in 2016.

“The U.S.-Lao Comprehensive Partnership provides tangible benefits to the people and government of the Lao PDR,” said Assistant Secretary Kritenbrink. “In particular, the United States is committed to supporting the increasing prosperity of the Lao PDR through programs designed to support the development of the Lao PDR business sector and supporting U.S. companies’ investments in the Lao PDR.”

The Assistant Secretary said the United States was proud to be the first international partner to provide COVID-19 assistance to Laos following the outbreak of the pandemic.  The United States works with the Lao people and government in support of its sustainable development goals, including on programs to improve health, education, economic growth, agriculture, and good governance, and the more than $350 million provided to date to support the survey and clearance of unexploded ordnance in Laos.

The two sides also discussed U.S. concerns about global and regional developments, including the Burma regime’s refusal to implement the ASEAN Five-Point Consensus, Russia’s violation of international law, including the UN Charter, in invading and trying to annex parts of Ukraine, and respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms.



Source: Lao News Agency

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