Human Services

Laos’ total of Covid-19 cases reaches 21,819

Laos has confirmed 292 new cases of Covid-19 across the country over the past twenty four hours with the total reaching 21,819.

The daily new cases included 280 community cases and 12 imported infections.

Vientiane saw 135 community transmissions, Khammuan documented 85, Vientiane (province) logged 16, Savannakhet posted 14, and Champassak reported 12.

Saravan detected seven community cases, Borikhamxay reported four, Luang Prabang three, Bokeo two, as Luang Namtha and Attapeu reported one each.

Meanwhile the imported cases were detected in Savannakhet five, Vientiane 3, Champassak two and Khammuan and Attapeu one each.

There have been 4,492 active cases and 16 deaths attributed to Covid-19 since the first case of disease was detected in the country in late march 2020.

Source: Lao News Agency