Human Services

Laos reports 214 new Covid-19 cases

Some 214 new Covid-19 cases have been recorded nationwide over the past 24 hours, bringing the total to 19,399 including 4,255 active cases and 16 deaths.

Director General of the Department of Communicable Disease Control, Ministry of Health, Dr Rattanaxay Phetsouvanh told a press conference today that some 5,117 were tested for Covid-19 yesterday.

Of the new confirmed cases, 162 were classified as local infections and 52 as imported cases.

The local transmissions included 77 in Vientiane, 33 in Champassak, 28 in Khammuan, 12 in Bokeo, nine in Savannakhet, two in Xieng Khuang and one in Borikhamxay.

The imported cases were reported in Savannakhet 32, Saravan 12, Champassak 4, Khammuan and Vientiane 2 each.

Mayor of Vientiane Atsaphangthong Siphandone issued a notice on Sep 19 putting the capital city under a strict two-week lockdown through Sep 30, 2021.

The notice, effective from Sep 19, orders residents in the capital city to stay in their homes except in necessary cases such as to buy food, medicines, or go to the hospital.

Travels to and from the following districts of the capital are prohibited: Chanthaboury, Sikhottabong, Xaysettha, Sisattanak, Xaythany, Hadxayfong and Naxaythong.

Passenger and goods transport from Vientiane to provinces and areas hit by Covid-19 or risky areas are banned except with permission from the central and Vientiane Taskforce Committees for Covid-19 Prevention and Control.

People in provinces with locally transmitted cases of Covid-19 are not allowed to enter Vientiane. In case the entry is necessary, they must be quarantined for 14 days.

Vientiane residents returning from provinces with community cases must be quarantined 14 days.

Source: Lao News Agency