Human Services

Laos records 694 new Covid-19 cases with 666 classified as local infections

Some 694 new Covid-19 cases, including 666 local infections and 28 imported cases, have been recorded nationwide with Vientiane documenting record high 563 local infections over the past 24 hours.

The latest cases have brought the total in the country to 20,646 including 4,861 active cases and 16 deaths, according to Director General of the Department of Communicable Disease Control, Ministry of Health, Dr Rattanaxay Phetsouvanh.

Some 46 new local infections were reported in Champassak, 26 in Khammuan, 10 in Savannakhet, five each in Luang Prabang, Luang Namtha and Borikhamxay, four in Vientiane (Province), two in Xieng Khuang and one in Saravan.

The imported cases were detected in Saravan 13, Savannakhet and Vientiane five each, Champassak four and Khammuan one.

“It is already one week since we began to witness community cases outnumbering the imported cases brought by returning workers. These days, local infections are spreading especially in Champassak, Khammuan, and Vientiane. Therefore, the central and provincial Taskforce Committees have strengthened anti-covid-19 measures including ban on leaving home in order to prevent the virus from spreading into the society,” Dr Rattanaxay told a press conference today.

“Key anti-Covid-19 measures include: 1. stay home, 2. if you suspect you have had a close contact with the infected, you must inform relevant authorities, village aministration so that you can be quarantined at quarantine centres designated by relevant authorities, 3. If you have a symptom, you need to see doctor immediately, 4. those who are yet to be vaccinated must get vaccinated immediately,” added Dr Rattanaxay.

Source: Lao News Agency