Human Services

Laos posts 155 new Covid-19 cases, two new deaths

Some 155 new Covid-19 cases have been recorded nationwide over the past 24 hours with 140 classified as imported cases and 15 as local transmissions, according to Director General of the Department of Communicable Disease Control, Ministry of Health, Dr Rattanaxay Phetsouvanh.

Two new deaths were reported over the past 24 hours in Savannakhet raising the total in the country to 14.

The imported cases, dominated by migrant workers returning from neighboring countries, were identified in Champassak 53, Saravan 48, Savannakhet 19, Khammuan 14, Vientiane 5 and Luang Prabang 1.

The local infections were reported in Savannaket 9, Bokeo 3 and one each in Luang Namtha, Saravan and Vientiane (province).

Laos’s total of Covid-19 infections has reached 14,816 including 5,040 active cases and 14 deaths.

Source: Lao News Agency