
Laos marks 55th anniversary of the establishment of ASEAN


A hoisting ceremony to celebrate the 55th anniversary of the establishment of ASEAN and 25th anniversary of Lao PDR becoming a of ASEAN member was held here on August 8.

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations or ASEAN was established on August 8, 1967 and ASEAN adopted August 8 as ASEAN Day.

August 8, 2022 is the 55th anniversary of the establishment of ASEAN. Lao PDR became a member of ASEAN on July 23, 1997, which is the 25th anniversary of Lao PDR being an ASEAN member.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Saleumxay Kommasith, on behalf of the government of the Lao PDR, I would like to express my warmest greetings to Lao parents and relatives as well as members of ASEAN families on the occasion of ASEAN Day and the 25th anniversary of Lao PDR’s ASEAN membership.

ASEAN is an intergovernmental regional organization with a unique identity, because Southeast Asia is a diverse region in terms of culture, customs, religion, history, political regime, level of development, etc. which is unlike any other region in the world. Throughout the past 55 years.

ASEAN has cooperated with the “ASEAN way” which is based on the special points of the region as well as the basic principles of ASEAN, this has enabled ASEAN to overcome obstacles and international tests and have succeeded in economic and social development, gradually growing and becoming an ASEAN community with the world’s 5th largest economy and a population of more than 600 million people.

At the same time, it has enhanced cooperation with the outside world based on the principles of openness, inclusiveness and non-discrimination under the cooperation mechanism established by ASEAN and ASEAN plays a central role which is supported by external partners.

In the past years as well as 2022, ASEAN and various regions in the world continue to face various challenges in terms of geopolitics, stability, economic-financial crisis, epidemics, especially Covid-19, climate change, energy and food shortages, etc.

In this situation, ASEAN has strengthened the cooperation within ASEAN and between ASEAN and the outside world in order to revive the economy that has been affected by the outbreak of Covid-19 and those challenges in order to continue to implement the vision of the ASEAN community 2025 effectively and preparing to create a vision of the ASEAN community after 2025 to fit in with the special points of ASEAN and the changing situation now and in the future.

The Lao PDR is confident that Cambodia’s ASEAN chairmanship in 2022 under the slogan “ASEAN: Together to solve challenges” will be successful, which will contribute to the strengthening of ASEAN in dealing with challenges.

ASEAN is one of the important priorities of Lao PDR’s foreign policy of peace, independence, friendship and cooperation.

Over the past 25 years of being a member of ASEAN, all sectors of the Lao PDR, from the center to the localities, the people of Laos, all ethnic groups, have been active in ASEAN affairs according to their respective roles.

This is a contribution to the overall mission of building the ASEAN community, which is to protect and promote peace, stability and development in the region and in the world, both are creating favorable conditions for the mission of protecting and developing our nation as well as raising the role of the Lao PDR to prominence in the regional and international arena, which is make Lao PDR gain trust and cooperation from ASEAN member countries and external partners.

Since the Lao PDR became a member of ASEAN, our country has successfully chaired ASEAN twice.

In 2024, Lao DR will be honoredhost the 3nd of ASEAN meeting. I would like to take this opportunity to invite all Lao officials, soldiers, police and brothers and sisters to join together to prepare for the presidency of ASEAN and to host ASEAN meetings at various levels in 2024.

I believe that under the close guidance of the party-state leadership and the unity of the Lao people, we will be able to successfully chair ASEAN and be a good host in 2024.


Source: Lao News Agency

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