
Laos’ imports and exports reach US$880 million in August

The Lao PDR’s imports and exports in August 2021 reached approximately US$880 million with exports valued at about US$428 million and imports estimated at US$452 million resulting in a trade deficit of US$24 million.

The imports and exports didn’t include the value of electricity exports, according to the Lao Trade Portal.

Main exports of the country included copper ores, copper products, bananas, gold bars, garments, unprocessed coffee, sugar, latex, fruits (water melons, passion fruits, tamarinds) and tobacco.

The imports were dominated by vehicles, electrical equipment and electronics, fuel, machinery, steel, plastic products, precious or semi-precious stones, chemical products and food processing wastes.

Laos’ exports to China were estimated at US$184 million as those to Vietnam and Thailand reached US$90 million and US$49 million, respectively. Meanwhile the country’s exports to Germany and the United States were valued at US$7 million each.

Thailand was the main import market for the Lao PDR with US$249 million, followed by China US$ 10

Source: Lao News Agency