Human Services

Laos hits a record of 256 new COVID-19 cases as total reaches 4,119

Laos has recorded 256 new cases of Covid-19 over the past twenty-four hours, its highest daily caseload ever recorded since late March 2020 when the first Covid-19 case was reported in the country.

The newly reported infections have brought the total in the country to 4,119 including 1,603 active cases and five deaths, the National Taskforce Committee for Covid-19 Prevention and Control told a press conference in Vientiane this morning.

Two local transmissions were reported in the past one day – all in Champassak which is already hard hit by imported cases.

Returning workers from neighbouring countries nominated the newly reported infections of Covid-19 in the country. These included 83 cases in Champassak, 128 in Savannakhet, 16 in Saravan, 14 in Khammuan, and 13 in Vientiane.

As of Jul 19, over 1.8 million people, accounting for 25.7 per cent of population in the country, had been vaccinated against Covid-19. This included 1,056,672 people given first shots and more than 743,000 given second doses.

Laos has an ambitious plan to have at least 50 per cent of population in the country vaccinated against Covid-19 by the end of this year.

Source: Lao News Agency