
Laos, development partners validate the Financing Strategy for 9th NSEDP

(KPL) Under the chairmanship of Phonevanh Outhavong, Deputy Minister of Planning and Investment and Ms. Sara Sekkenes, UN Resident Coordinator to the Lao PDR, a High-Level Structured Dialogue was convened to validate the final draft of the Financing Strategy for the 9th  National Socio-Economic Development Plan (NSEDP) 2021-2025.

After nearly two years of technical work and broad-based consultations, the event saw the presentation of policy objectives, actions and implementation arrangements as agreed among 10 ministries and 20 national institutions to address the Lao PDR’s financing constraints and increase investment needed to support the achievement of the national development priorities set out in the 9th NSEDP.


“The draft Financing Strategy is well aligned with the government’s directions for quality, focused, green and sustainable growth. We appreciate the partnership with the UN and all relevant sectors and development partners in a collaborative effort to help identify, understand and improve the flow of resources towards financing our national development priorities contained in the 9th NSEDP, including through measures instrumental to supporting the re-orientation of investments towards more sustainable development in line with the national plan,” said Deputy Minister of Planning and Investment, Ms  Phonevanh Outhavong.

“This is of significance considering the limited development finance, economic difficulties, and additional investments required to address our national agenda as we transition towards graduating from the Least Developed Country status in the near future,” said Ms  Phonevanh Outhavong.

Preparing for the 2022 Round Table Meeting, expected in late November, the dialogue allowed development partner representatives to share views and potential support for the Financing Strategy’s 54 policies and actions, and to cement partnerships for a successful implementation.


Source: Lao News Agency

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