
Lao, Vietnamese foreign ministers co-chair 8th political consultation

Foreign Minister Saleumxay Kommasith and his Vietnamese counterpart Bui Thanh Son co-chaired the 8th ministerial-level political consultation in Hanoi, Vietnam on Dec 28.

Both sides expressed their delight at the development of the great friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation in various areas between the two nations. Political trust between the two Parties and countries has been further strengthened via meetings and exchange of all-level delegations, especially the Lao visit by President Nguyen Xuan Phuc in August 2021 and the Vietnam visit by President of the Lao National Assembly Xaysomphone Phomvihane in December 2021.

In the first 11 months of this year, two-way trade surpassed 1.2 billion USD, up 33.6 per cent annually. The two sides kept improving the efficiency of cooperation in education, training and human resource development and raised young generations’ awareness of the bilateral special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation.

The two ministers agreed to work closely with ministries and agencies to effectively realise signed cooperation agreements, results of high-level visits and hold celebrations for the Year of Laos – Vietnam, Vietnam – Laos Friendship and Solidarity 2022.

They spoke highly of cooperation between the two foreign ministries in line with their 2021-2025 cooperation agreement as well as annual cooperation mechanisms and other exchanges between their subordinate units.

The ministers emphasised the compliance with international law and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)’s central role in regional architectures. They promised to work closely together at regional and international forums, including maintaining ASEAN’s common stance on the East Sea issue, actively and proactively sharing information and stances via all channels, helping to improve each country’s international position.

Saleumxay affirmed that Laos will back Vietnam’s bid to run for a seat at the UN Human Rights Council for the 2023-2025 tenure and continue working closely with Mekong sub-regional cooperation mechanisms such as the Cambodia – Laos – Vietnam Development Triangle Area (CLV), the Cambodia – Laos – Myanmar – Vietnam Cooperation (CLMV) and the Ayeyawady-Chao Phraya-Mekong Economic Cooperation Strategy (ACMECS).

On Dec 29, the two ministers will co-chair a conference reviewing the “one-stop-shop” inspection model at Lao Bao – Densavan international border gate.

The Lao minister will also co-chair the 31st meeting of the Laos – Vietnam border delegations together with Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Chairman of the National Boundary Commission Nguyen Minh Vu.

Source: Lao News Agency