Human Rights

Lao Red Cross active in providing humanitarian assistance

Covid-19 pandemic is bringing difficult living lifestyle to Lao people leading many families to food shortages. As a result, humanitarian assistance from the society is needed.

By providing humanitarian assistance, Lao Red Cross Society is one of active players in the fight against Covid-19.

The role of Lao Red Cross with respect to the Covid-19 prevention and control efforts lies in six areas including distributing Covid-19 protective equipment, food, drinking water to people quarantined in quarantine facilities and field hospitals, raising public awareness of blood donation to ensure blood supply for patients in need, advocating Covid-19 prevention measures, and providing psychological assistance and first aid in the quarantine facilities along with emergency aid and referral services.

Lao Red Cross also cooperates with foreign Red Cross societies, international organsiations, and civil society organsiations to raise funds for anti-Covid-19 efforts, according to President of Lao Red Cross Phouthone Meuangpak.

The society has established its own taskforce committee and is represented on the taskforce committees of mass organizations which are formed under the guidance of the Lao Front for National Development. Meanwhile Lao Red Cross volunteers are coordinating with provincial taskforce committees, working with relevant authorities to disseminate information on Covid-19 prevention measures at villages and quarantine centres, and teaching the quarantined how to stay healthy by doing exercises.

Source: Lao News Agency