
Japanese Grants to Enhance Education, Health Services in Three Philippine LGUs

Manila – Three local government units (LGUs) in the Philippines will receive a combined PHP13.27 million in humanitarian grants from Japan’s Grass-Roots Human Security Projects (GGP) Scheme, as announced by the Japanese Embassy in Manila. The funds are allocated to support various community projects across the country.

According to Philippines News Agency, Ambassador Kazuhiko Koshikawa signed contracts to fund three key projects: the construction of a one-story four-classroom high school building in Valencia, Bohol; the procurement of an ambulance in Sipocot, Camarines Sur; and the acquisition of a portable chest X-ray machine for Olongapo City. During the signing ceremony, Koshikawa emphasized Japan’s role as a strategic partner to the Philippines in promoting sustainable and inclusive growth. “These projects will strengthen the friendship between Japan and the Philippines and contribute to sustaining strategic partnerships between the two countries,” the embassy stated.

The grant for Valencia aims to increase the capacity of Anoyon High School to accommodate more Grade 7 to 10 students. The ambulance in Sipocot will be equipped with essential medical devices, enhancing emergency and disaster response operations. In Olongapo City, the Center for Health Solutions and Innovations Philippines Inc. will use the portable chest X-ray machine to support active tuberculosis case finding and provide comprehensive healthcare services to the Aeta community and the urban poor. Since its inception in 1989, the GGP scheme has been instrumental in poverty reduction and supporting grassroots activities. The three new projects join over 550 grants previously implemented under the GGP in the Philippines.