
Japan urges two-state solution in Middle EastCeremony honours Vietnamese Thai teachers

Japan said Friday the implementation of a two-state solution in the Middle East and support for the economic independence of Palestine are of utmost importance. Foreign Minister Yoko Kamikawa, in a statement in Tokyo after presiding over the G7 foreign ministers’ meeting earlier in the week, addressed the situation in the Gaza Strip. Kamikawa, noting that Japan “strongly condemns terrorist attacks by organizations, including Hamas,” reiterated the demand for the release of hostages and ensure the safety of civilians. She said Japan maintains calling on parties involved to act in accordance with international law and urging the de-escalation of the situation in a clear and consistent manner. Highlighting the complexity of religion, ethnic origin and history in the intertwined situation in the Middle East, Kamikawa argued that solving the problem would not be easy. “However, I believe that Japan, free from historical constraints, can play a role. I believe that the implementation of a two-state solution and support for the economic independence of Palestine are also extremely important. Supporting the future of a two-state solution is a responsibility for Japan, which maintains good relations with both Israel and Palestine,’ she said. The G7 foreign ministers agreed to call for a “humanitarian pause in the conflict” for the delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza. The ministers, who agreed on the need for “urgent action to address the humanitarian crisis in Gaza,” emphasized the importance of adhering to international humanitarian law in conflicts.

Source: Philippines News Agency

The Association of Vietnamese People in Thailand and the Vietnamese community in Mukdahan province on November 11 organised a ceremony to honour the Vietnamese Thai teachers who have made significant contributions to the teaching of the Vietnamese language in Thailand.

The event was organised in response to the Vietnamese Teachers’ Day (November 20).

Vietnamese Consul General in Khon Kaen Chu Duc Dung sent his best wishes to the expat Vietnamese teachers, saying with great dedication and experience, they have maintained the teaching and learning of Vietnamese, helping arouse national pride and encourage the young to remember the homeland.

Chairman of the Association of Vietnamese People in Thailand Nguyen Ngoc Thin said that despite formidable challenges, the first generations of Vietnamese in Thailand set up ‘camps for kids’, and organised the teaching of Vietnamese to their children.

The Party and State of Vietnam have paid tribute to the work of the Vietnamese Thai teachers, and have organised many tr
ips for them to visit the homeland as well as training courses for the teachers in the hope to maintain the mother tongue among the Vietnamese Thai community, he added.

According to Nguyen Thi Thanh Huong, who is in charge of the education board of the Vietnamese association in Udon Thani province, after a long halt by COVID-19 the teaching and learning of Vietnamese has been resumed in the province with eight classes, more than 30 students and ten teachers./.