
Japan grants USD 62,383 to education projects in Xayabouly

The Government of Japan has decided to provide grant assistance worth approximately USD 62,383 for education projects in Xayabouly Provinces through its Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects (GGP).

The grant assistance was signed by Mr. Kenichi Kobayashi, Ambassador of Japan to the Lao PDR and Mr Bounthavy Songher, Head of the Office of Education and Sports of Phiang District in Vientiane on August 19, 2023.

Governor of Xayabouly Province, Mr. Phongsavanh Sitthivong and representative of the provincial authorities witnessed at the event.

The projects are for the construction of new school and toilet buildings as well as the provision of school furniture at Karn Primary School in Xayabouly Province to improve the educational and sanitary environment.

“Japan government had contributed to the socio-economic development of Xayabouly Province in various fields, including education, public health and clean water through its Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects,” said Governor of Xayabouly Province, Mr. Phongsavanh Sitthivong.

“This assistant at this time is also very important for our province to create a safe and secure environment for children to achieve their learning outcomes, in terms of fostering valuable human resources for the future,” said Mr. Phongsavanh Sitthivong.

“I hope that Japan’s support will improve the learning environment for the generations of students who will grow up to be the future of Laos, as well as improve the working environment for teachers and staff and the sanitary environment of the entire school,” said Mr. Kenichi Kobayashi, Ambassador of Japan to the Lao PDR.

“Over the past 5 years, the Japanese government has provided support to Sayabouly Province at the grassroots level worth more than USD 570,000 in the fields of public health, education and clean water,” said Ambassador.

Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects (GGP) provides necessary funds for relatively small-scale projects that directly benefit local residents and are aimed at economic and social development in developing countries, based on the concept of human security. In order to ensure “no-one left behind” through rectification of regional disparity, Japan will continue to support and improve the basic standard of living at grassroots level in the Lao PDR.

Source: Lao News Agency