
Govt to increase agricultural production along railway and expressway corridors

The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry has set a focal agricultural development measure for 2022 by accelerating the allocation of agricultural production areas across the country, particularly priority areas in the provinces along the Laos-China railway and expressway corridors and provinces with untapped potentials.

Mr Phet Phomphiphak, Minister of Agriculture and Forestry told the 2nd Ordinary Session of the Ninth National Assembly on November 4 that the measure is designed to be in line with the ecosystem of crops and animals that will be farmed for commercial and export purposes, to attract domestic and foreign investments by devicing enabling policies and creating conducive investment environment.

It will also focus on improving production capacity by prioritizing commercial production, agricultural production groups, associations and cooperatives in a bid to facilitate promotion, access to capital and market information.

The plan will also focus on boosting processing industry by building modern facilities, developing production infrastructure including rice mills, sawmills, drying facilities, composting plants, slaughterhouses and goods loading stations at railway stations and apply modern production techniques to cut costs.

“We will continue to coordinate with relevant sectors to create favorable conditions for small and medium-sized enterprises, improve their access to funding and increase exports, especially to China,” said Minister Phet. “At present and in the future, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry will focus on promoting livestock production and plantation to ensure income generation for people in rural and remote communities,” said the minister.

Source: Lao News Agency