Government Policy

Government’s monthly meeting considers key issues

The government’s monthly meeting for February discussed key issues including the addressing of issues related to exchange rates and inflation, goods price management, promotion of dry season production, and the launch of Visit Laos Year 2023-2024.

Held on Feb 24 under the presidency of Prime Minister Sonexay Siphandone, the cabinet’s monthly meeting was attended by Deputy Prime Ministers and ministers in face to face mode and provincial governors in virtual mode.

The meeting urged relevant authorities at central and provincial levels to continue to play an active role in addressing obstacles to the socio-economic development including the facilitation of trade, investment, transport, tourism, goods production, the repayment of investment projects through banking system, preparation for Laos’ chairmanship of ASEAN Summit in 2024, Deputy Minister and Deputy Head of the Prime Minister’s Office and Government Spokesperson Thipphakone Chanthavongsa told the media on Feb 24.

The meeting approved in principles a draft decree on national parks and considered a draft law on administration. It asked the Prime Minister’s Office to circulate a letter to all cabinet members so that they can make comments on the draft.

Addressing drug issues will continue to be a priority for next month, along with stabilisation of economy and finance to avoid slipping into crisis as well as the implementation the socio-economic development plan, state budget plan, monetary plan and the two national agendas on addressing economic and financial and drug issues.

Relevant authorities were asked to attach attention to the modernization of revenue collection, improve fee collection mechanisms in the land sector.

The meeting also urged relevant authorities to continue to reform state enterprises, according to the reform plan of the government, restructure the debts of state enterprises, ensure regular supply of fuel and find the root cause of price fluctuation so that prompt measures can be taken.

Relevant authorities were asked to prepare for the 14th Lao Business Forum, continue to promote the export of agricultural produce and remove obstacles to export of agricultural products and monitor road and airport construction projects.

Relevant sectors were also asked to attach attention to devising legal instruments on the management of freight containers for international and cross-border transport and prepare for cross-border passenger transport between Laos and China to accommodate increasing number of tourists, and take into account measures for addressing labour shortage, especially in investment projects.

Relevant authorities were also asked to implement the results of the visits of high-ranking officials to China, Vietnam, Cambodia, and prepare for leaders’ participation in major meetings with respect to the Laos’ chairmanship of ASEAN Summit in 2024.

Source: Lao News Agency