
Foreign Minister visits Cambodia

Foreign Minister Saleumxay Kommasith has visited Cambodia to attend the ASEAN Foreign Minister’s retreat held on Feb 15-17 to enhance the longstanding traditional relations and comprehensive strategic partnership between Laos and Cambodia.

The visit was in response to the invitation of Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Cambodia Prak Sokhonn

At a bilateral meeting in Phnom Penh on Feb 16, FM Saleumxay and his Cambodian counterpart Sokhonn reviewed the Cambodian visit by Prime Minister Phankham Viphavanh in November 2021 and highly valued the relations and traditional cooperation between the people of the two neighbouring countries which have been increasingly significantly after being upgraded to comprehensive strategic partnership in 2019.

Last year the two countries jointly celebrated the 65th anniversary of diplomatic ties. Despite of Covid-19 pandemic, political cooperation has been strengthened with leaders of the two countries exchanging visits and telephone and video calls on a regular basis.

Both sides noted that leaders of the two countries have attached attention to promoting cooperation on national defence and public security, fight against drugs, culture and tourism, education and sports. Meanwhile cooperation between local authorities has been strengthened constantly.

Both sides noted that economic and trade cooperation is witnessing a growing trend with the two countries beginning to trade electricity, raising the annual value of bilateral trade between the two countries to 100 million US dollars in 2020 from 10-20 million dollars in pre-Covid years.

There are around 30 Cambodian companies investing in the Lao PDR with a registered capital of 107 million US dollars. Meanwhile leading companies from Laos are also increasingly investing in Cambodia.

The two foreign ministries also agreed to urge relevant authorities of the two countries to implement the memorandum of understanding of the 13th meeting of the Laos-Cambodia Joint Cooperation Committee (JC) in 2019 and prepare for the 14th JC meeting to be hosted by Cambodia.

They urged relevant authorities to discuss the border demarcation, the maintenance of security and order along common borderline, increase bilateral cooperation on trade, investment, tourism, energy and the purchase of electricity from hydropower and coal-fired power plants from Laos, and continue to promote mutual support and cooperation at regional and international arena, and under UN, ASEAN and GMS frameworks.

The ministers also informed each other about the socio-economic development as well as Covid-19 response in their respective countries.

FM Saleumxay appreciated Cambodia’s ASEAN chairmanship for 2022 and reaffirmed Laos’ readiness to cooperate with and help Cambodia fulfil its ASEAN chairmanship.

The Lao minister also expressed sincere thanks to the Party, government and people of Cambodia for extending assistance to Laos to support its fight against Covid-19.

Minister Saleumxay also paid separate courtesy calls to King Norodom Sihamoni and Prime Minister Hun Sen of Cambodia.

Source: Lao News Agency