
Filipinos Prioritize Quality Customer Service Over Low Prices, Reveals Qualtrics Report

The 2024 Qualtrics Consumer Trends Report indicates a significant shift in Filipino consumer preferences, with a majority now valuing excellent customer service over low prices when making purchasing decisions.

According to Philippines News Agency, Qualtrics’ findings reveal that 70 percent of respondents in the Philippines prioritize quality products and service, and 50 percent consider customer service support as top factors influencing their purchasing choices. This compares to 37 percent who prioritize price, 26 percent who value an easy digital experience, and 15 percent who consider a brand’s societal contributions. Moira Dorsey, principal XM catalyst at Qualtrics XM Institute, noted, “Filipino consumers have heightened expectations from brands. They seek insights from various sources, including surveys, social media, and review sites, to inform their purchasing decisions.”

However, the report also highlights that feedback from customers following negative shopping experiences is less direct than before. Since 2021, there has been an 11 percentage point drop in consumers providing direct feedback to companies post-bad experiences. Instead, 48 percent of consumers prefer to inform the company, 44 percent share their experiences with friends and family, 30 percent leave online reviews, and 19 percent express their dissatisfaction on social media.

Qualtrics emphasizes the importance of boosting frontline employee morale, such as cashiers, bank tellers, and restaurant staff, as a critical aspect of enhancing customer experience. Separate research by Qualtrics indicates that frontline workers are less satisfied with their pay and development opportunities compared to non-frontline employees. Furthermore, only 38 percent of customer experience leaders prioritize training for customer service agents and frontline staff, suggesting a need for greater focus in this area.