
E. Visayas evaluates over 20K poor families ‘not found’ in database

TACLOBAN: The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) is conducting an assessment of at least 20,306 poor families in Eastern Visayas (Region 8) classified as ‘not found’ in the Listahanan 3 database.

The Listahanan or the National Household Targeting System for Poverty Reduction (NHTS-PR) is an administrative tool for targeting poor families for social protection programs.

DSWD regional information officer Jonalyndie Chua said after a holiday break, enumerators continue the second round of special assessment for members of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) that started late last year.

‘The assessment aims to ensure that all 4Ps beneficiaries must be included in the Listahanan database, that government funds allocated for the poor will be used accordingly, and that all rightful beneficiaries will receive due assistance from various social protection programs and services,’ Chua said in a phone interview Thursday.

As of December 31, 2023, some 5,867 of the target 4Ps families in six
provinces of Eastern Visayas have been interviewed by DSWD personnel, according to Chua.

In Listahanan 3 released in 2023, DSWD-8 has identified 365,086 poor households out of the 848,662 total households assessed in Eastern Visayas.

The database will serve as the data users’ latest guide in identifying potential beneficiaries of their social protection programs and services.

Source: Philippines News Agency