
Dak Lak gun attacks: Over 100 cases of misinformation dissemination handled

Police in the Central Highlands province of Dak Lak said they have detected and handled more than 100 cases of disseminating negative and toxic information about the recent armed attacks on the headquarters of the two communal administrations in Cu Kuin district since June 12.

Early on June 11, a group of persons armed with guns and knives attacked the headquarters of the People’s Committees of Ea Tieu and Ea Ktur communes, including the offices of communal police, in Cu Kuin district, killing and injuring some police officers, communal officials, and civilians.

Following the incident, many shared relevant information from Facebook and TikTok personnel accounts with the aim of increasing interactions on social networks.

After being explained, they have been aware of their misconduct, voluntarily removed their posts and committed not to repeating such wrongdoings.

On June 15, local police issued an administrative fine of 5 million VND (212 USD) against an individual in Buon Ma Thuot city for using personal Facebook account to post an image containing false information.

One day earlier, police in Ea H’leo district also fined a person in Hamlet 4, Ea Hiao commune, 5 million VND for posting many video clips on TikTok containing misinformation about the attacks.

Local police have advised people to verify information on social networks, especially that sourced from anti-state pages, stressing those who disseminate unverified, false information will be handled in line with legal regulations, and even face criminal charges if their acts cause serious consequences.

Also on June 15, Major General Le Vinh Quy, Director of the Dak Lak provincial Police, called on all officers and soldiers to continue concertedly and drastically implementing measures to arrest the individuals involved in the case.

He also urged stepping up the communications work to raise public awareness of plots of hostile forces./.

Source: Vietnam News Agency