
DA-PRDP completes P1.7-B infra in Region 11

MANILA: The Department of Agriculture-Philippine Rural Development Project (DA-PRDP) has completed 41 infrastructure projects worth PHP1.7 billion in the Davao region.

In an interview Friday, PRDP project director and concurrent DA-11 Regional Director Abel James Monteagudo said the completed projects include farm-to-market roads, potable water systems, warehouses, and other production facilities.

The projects were funded by the World Bank (WB) and the European Union (EU) through PRDP.

‘There will be more big-ticket projects to come especially since we now have the PRDP Scale-Up. Another flagship project will be focusing on clustering and fostering the development of commodity hubs, promising a substantial impact on our top-priority commodities,’ Monteagudo said.

He noted that local government units, during a recent meeting, were able to evaluate their physical and financial accomplishments of all I-BUILD sub-projects and output ratings of the conducted operation and maintenance assessment per sub-project

‘This forward-looking approach aligns with our commitment to sustainable growth and strategic development, laying the foundation for a dynamic and resilient economic landscape,’ Monteagudo said.

Moreover, he said three infrastructure sub-projects under the WB-additional financing in partnership with the EU amounting to PHP544 million are still ongoing and are expected to be completed by the end of 2024.

PRDP is a six-year national project under the DA that aims to establish a modern, value chain-oriented, and climate-resilient agriculture and fisheries sector.

Source: Philippines News Agency