Human Services

Cooperation, key to fight Covid-19

China is showing us an example of successful fight against Covid-19. The country has recorded fewer deaths and infections as compared to its sizable population with its daily infections currently standing at around 100.

Beijing, the city of over 20 million people, has recorded one-digit infections since the beginning of this month. In addition, 92.1% of people in China have received at least one dose of Covid-19 vaccine, meanwhile 89.7 are reportedly given all recommended doses. This has proved that China fight against Covid-19 has enjoyed sound cooperation from people in the country.

Once anti-Covid-19 prevention and control measures have been announced by the government according to the guidance of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, all sectors, general public members, businesses give cooperation to fulfill them.

To achieve China’s “zero Covid-19 policy”, everyone entering China is required to take a 14-day quarantine during which they will be tested for Covid-19 every two or three days. Covid testing is also given every two-three days even after the quarantine is over.

The Chinese government has developed a smart phone app “Health Kit” which users can use to register for nucleic acid test without completing a paper form. The app can be also used for showing test results and vaccination records.

Before entrance is granted for shops, business places, public or private offices, a doorman will ask clients to scan Health Kit QR code which can reveal their latest Covid test results. If the results have been negative for not later than three days, you will be granted an access.

Some places require the negative results issued not later than two days. Without these negative results entrance will be denied.

In communities, Covid test booths have been installed for anyone who wants to have a Covid test. Usually, there are two to four holes on the walls of these transparent booths. The holes are for health workers to put their hands through to collect samples from test seekers.

What you need to bring when going to a Covid test booth is just a smart phone. Use your smart phone to scan a QR code shown at the beginning of the queue. The codewill lead you to completing easy-step registration. Once the registration is completed, your QR code will pop up. Show your QR code to health workers, then get your sample collected and it’s all done.

You can check your test results via Health Kit app within 24 hours.

Imagine that we have all technologies and facilities like China, but some sectors or individuals refuse to provide their cooperation, controlling and preventing the Covid-19 pandemic would be hard to achieve.

Our Party and government have made efforts in ensuring at least 80% of Lao population are given all recommended doses of the Covid-19 vaccine by the end of this year to ensure we have stronger immunity to the corona virus disease.

The majority of people and authorities have actively participated in fulfilling such a vaccination target. As of Jul 23, more than 5.86 million people have been vaccinated against Covid-19. The number represents 80% of population in the country. This includes 5.19 million given all recommended doses of the Covid-19 vaccine, representing 70.8% of the population.

According to the World Health Organisation, most Covid-vaccinated people will develop stronger immunity and be unlikely to be severely ill, hospitalized or die from Covid-19 for at least six months.

Unfortunately, some people and groups of people have a misunderstanding about Covid-19 vaccination, are misled by unscientific information spread by unofficial and unreliable sourceswhich aims to prevent people from getting vaccinated thus derailing our efforts to reach a 80%-Covid vaccine coverage as set by the Party and government.    

All Lao people and relevant authorities are required to take part in fulfilling the Covid-19 vaccination goal and fighting misinformation about the Covid vaccine, stop believing or sharing fake news, information from unverified or untrustworthy sources and, in contrast, disseminate scientific information that is beneficial to the Covid vaccination and observe preventive measures such as wearing face masks, washing hands with soap and alcohol hand gels to ensure our country brings Covid-19under control,and don’t forget that “No one is safe until everyone is safe”.

Source: Lao News Agency

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