Government Policy

China hosts World Youth Development Forum 2022 advocating actions for youth development

The World Youth Development Forum 2022 was launched on Thursday in Beijing through online and face-to-face platforms to promote discussions on global development issues and advocate actions for youth development.

In a video message, UN’s Secretary General Antonio Guterres noted that the forum is a critical opportunity to bring young people together to shape solutions to some of the most pressing global issues of the day.

“The theme of this conference reminds us that truly sustainable development means working not only for young people like you — but with you,” said the UN Secretary General.  

He urged the leaders and officials joining the forum to heed youth’s calls for change, put their needs first across their policy and investment decisions, and urgently support their inclusion and engagement across all aspects of political, economic and social life.

Chinese President Xi Jinping stated in his congratulatory message to the meeting that the youth represent hope and are the architects of the future and China always regards young people as the driving force of social development, and encourages them to unleash their youthful vitality when participating in and promoting the building of a community with a shared future for humanity.

He urged young people across the world to advocate peace, development, equity, justice, democracy and freedom.  

Hosted by the All-China Youth Federation under the theme “For a Shared Future: Promoting Sustainable Development with Youth and for Youth”, the forum draws delegates from more than 100 countries around the world.

Over the next couple of days, the participants will focus their discussion on various topics including climate action and green development, employment and entrepreneurship, digital economy, inclusive and equitable quality education.

Source: Lao News Agency

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