
China approves banana and coffee imports from Honduras

China’s General Administration of Customs on Wednesday disclosed having approved the imports of bananas and coffee beans from Honduras, a decision framed in the official visit paid by Honduras’ President Xiomara Castro, here.

According to a press release from that entity, both officials ratified the entrance of certain food as banana, coffee and white shrimp in the domestic market by the signing on Monday of their corresponding protocol between the two nations.

The dispatch added so far, that 10 local companies have been able to import coffee beans and aquatic products from Honduras.

After the establishment of diplomatic relations last March, bilateral trade between Beijing and Tegucigalpa grew and closed the first four months of 2023 with a volume valued at almost four billion yuan (over 543 million dollars). Precisely, the trade issue has been the goal-centered of President Castro’s visit here, which ends on Wednesday; consequently, the sides agreed to initiate a free trade deal to expand the entry of more goods from Honduras to China’s market.

Likewise, both leaders sealed almost twenty cooperation deals in multiple sectors, among them, the incorporation of Honduras to the project of the Strip and silk road of China.

Source: Lao News Agency