Government Policy

Champassak Governor receives JICA’s new Chief Resident Representative

Champassak Governor Vilayvong Bouddakham on Dec 13 received a courtesy call from Chief Resident Representative of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) to the Lao PDR Toshio Nagase who has been just appointed to the post.

At the amicable talks, Mr Bouddakham congratulated Tokushima upon his appointment to the post and expressed his belief that during Nagase’s tenure, JICA and Laos in general and JICA and Champassak Province in particular will enjoy deeper cooperation.

The host and guest also highly valued the results of the cooperation between Champassak Province and JICA in recent years.

Since 2010, Champassak has received US$11.5 million worth of assistance from JICA for 46 development projects.

The Governor also asked the JICA representative to continue to provide assistance to the province in areas of education, health, public works and transport, and agriculture to promote the investment of Japanese companies in the province thus strengthening the cooperation between JICA and the southern province of Laos.

Source: Lao News Agency