
Cabinet meeting debates ten draft laws

The monthly government meeting was held in Vientiane on September 6-7 to discuss and consider 10 draft laws under chairmanship of Prime Minister Phankham Viphavanh.

The meeting was attended by cabinet members discussed and considered 10 draft laws in relation to waterways, passports, and museums.
The meeting also discussed amendments to laws relating to lawyers, court registration, enterprises, science and technology, military prosecutors, electronic transactions, and the prevention and control of communicable diseases.
The relevant ministries were instructed to revise the drafts in line with recommendations made by cabinet members, according to the Public Relations Department of the Prime Minister’s Office.
The final drafts will be submitted to the upcoming fourth ordinary session of the National Assembly for debate towards approval.
Meeting participants also approved in principle a government plan to formulate and amend laws for 2023-2025.



Source: Lao News Agency


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